OMR Sheets are used for various applications as under
Omr Sheets for Registration are used for registration of the candidate, Legal Size Omr Sheet 8.25" X 14" inserted in the prospectus or in the Application Form, Candidate fill the bubbles in form, whatever the information required by the Client.
Generally, Personal Information like Candidate Name, Father Name, Date of Birth, Address, Category, Qualification, Address, Email, Mobile Number, Postal Order or Bank Draft details. Signature, Thumb Impression & Photo are also required in the form.
We Scan the Form and Admit card is generated with Roll Number, Center Details with sitting arrangement.
Advantages of Registration Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized

Olympiad Exams

Olympiad exams are conducted to test the Mental Aptitude of the School going students, irrespective of what student studies in School.
Questions from Science Physics, Math, Chemistry Biology, Mental Reasoning are taken, such type of Olympiads, definitely relates to aptitude of student.
Advantages of Olympiad Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing & Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Entrance Exams
Entrance exams are conducted for Entrance in Professional Institutes for Graduation, Post-Graduation and Ph.D. courses Like IIT, JEE, MBA, MBBS, BDS and Other Professional Courses.
Advantages of Entrance Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing & Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized.

Competitive Exams

Competitive Exams are conducted for entrance of Professional and Recruitment, all the exams are conducted on Omr Sheets, as the result can be declared in no time in comparison with written exam & hence transparency is maintained.
Advantages of Competitive Exam Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Talent Search Exams
Talent search Exams are conducted on all India Level, State Level, District Level to identify the talent and brilliant students. Rewards & Scholarship are given to the students. Best way to conduct the Omr Sheets, as it is the fastest mode.
Advantages of Talent Search Exam Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized

Recruitment Exam

All the Government Departments Center, State Government Departments, Armed and Paramilitary Forces, Public sector Undertakings, Multinational Companies, Campus Recruitments, Bank Exams, SSC exams are being conducted on Omr Sheets as it is the best way to handle the exams of number of lacks of candidates in a smooth way & over all the whole exam remain the transparent.
Advantages of Recruitment Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Scientific Survey
Survey on Omr Sheets is best way to conduct the surveys as it is the only efficient method to conduct the survey & data scanned through it is 100% reliable. We can handle the volume and in spite of size of survey, there is no human error.
Advantages of Scientific Survey Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized

Marketing Survey

Most of the Marketing Companies are using Omr Sheets to conduct the marketing survey, as it is the easiest method and time consumed in analyzing the survey is too small in comparison with normal survey. This analysis is 100 % accurate.
Advantages of Marketing Survey on Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Statics Survey
Omr Sheet Technology is the ideal method to conduct the Static Survey, as the volume in Static Survey is too high so the Omr Technology is the only way which can handle the so big volume.


Now a day's inventory is maintained through the Omr Sheets, as accuracy level in this process is 100% guaranteed. We can rely this process.
Advantages of static Survey on Omr Sheet.
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Feed back Forms
Feed Back are designed in the form of Omr sheet, as it is easy to handle the Omr Sheet and whole Feed Back is inserted in the single form instead of number of pages so costing is reduced and within no time we can the form and data is extracted in excel form, which can be converted into desired form. Whole process is automated.
Advantage of Omr Feed Back form
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized

Election Forms

In age of automation, the Ballot Forms used in Election process are converted in Omr Format, it becomes very easy to handle the whole election and no manual counting is required, we collect all the Ballots, Scan and Result is declared by processing the Ballot Omr Sheets. There is 100% Transparency in this process
Advantage of Ballot Form
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized
Attendance sheet
All the Universities, Institutes, Colleges, Schools, Industries, Government Departments convert their attendance register in the Omr Format of each candidate and takes the attendance on Omr Sheet and after processing of these Attendance Omr Sheets, are used for multiple purposes and thus whole process is automated and no time is wasted and hence cost saved.
Advantage of Attendance Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized.

Employee Promotion Assessment

Most of the manufacturing unit are conducting the Employee Promotion test on the Omr Sheets, as it is not easy to take the interview 1000s of employee and analyze the reports of each individual so the exams are taken on Omr Sheet & within no time report is ready for analysis and hence costing and time is saved in this whole process.
Advantage of Employee Promotion Omr Sheet
- Fastest Processing and Result Preparation
- 100% Accurate
- Efficient System
- No Human Error
- Chances of Manipulation reduced
- 100% Reliable
- Costing minimized